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Template:I18n module

-- <nowiki>
return {
    ["_metadata"] = {
        ["outdated"] = {
            ["zh-hans"] = {
    ["en"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "Create sandbox version of $1",
        ["other-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Subpages of this page]].",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntax",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"] = "Editors can experiment in this module's $1 page.",
        ["translation"] = "Translation",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuration",
        ["syntax-text"] = "Type <span class='code'>$1</span>",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parameter|Parameters}}",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Editors can experiment in this template's $1 page.",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Subpages of this module]].",
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = "The documentation for this module is missing. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.",
        ["see_also"] = "See also",
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "Please add categories to the $1 subpage.",
        ["result"] = "Result",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Editors can experiment in this module's $1 and $2 pages.",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Module documentation",
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = "The documentation is missing. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.",
        ["sample_output"] = "Sample output",
        ["description"] = "Description",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Documentation",
        ["configuration-text"] = "The [[Global Lua Modules/Config|overridable]] template configuration is stored at:",
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = "The summary for this file is missing. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Template documentation",
        ["sandbox-link-display"] = "sandbox",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependency|Dependencies}}",
        ["template-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Subpages of this template]].",
        ["translation-text"] = "The template translations are stored at:",
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Editors can experiment in this template's $1 and $2 pages.",
        ["example"] = "Example",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Note: parts of or the entire template might not be visible without values provided.",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Summary",
        ["usage"] = "Usage",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Example|Examples}}",
        ["mirror-link-display"] = "mirror",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> gives...",
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = "The documentation for this template is missing. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.",
        ["testcases-link-display"] = "testcases"
    ["qqq"] = {
        "The default edit summary to use when a user clicks the \"mirror\" link.\n$1: a wikilink to the template page",
        "The heading shown in the template namespace.",
        "The heading shown in the module namespace.",
        "The heading shown in the file namespace.",
        "The heading shown in other namespaces.",
        "Notice displayed in the template namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.\n$1: a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['docpage-preload']",
        "Notice displayed in the module namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.\n$1: a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['module-preload'].",
        "Notice displayed in the file namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.\n$1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['file-docpage-preload']",
        "The text to display for the \"subpages of this page\" link.",
        "The text to display for the \"subpages of this module\" link.",
        "The text to display for the \"subpages of this template\" link.",
        "Text to direct users to add categories to the /doc subpage. Not used if the \"content\" or \"docname fed\" arguments are set, as then it is not clear where to add the categories.\n$1: link to the /doc subpage with a display value of 'doc-link-display'",
        "The experiment blurb is the text inviting editors to experiment in sandbox and test cases pages. It is only shown in the template namespace.",
        "The experiment blurb is the text inviting editors to experiment in sandbox and test cases pages. It is only shown in the module namespace.",
        "The text to display for \"mirror\" links.",
        "The text to display for \"sandbox\" links.",
        "The text to display for \"testcases\" links.",
        "A section text about installation.",
        "A summary text for creating sandbox page. $1 is the page name that is about to create sandbox page.",
        "A footer in {{Documentation}} for page's other subpages. For example: Special:PrefixIndex/<PAGENAME>/. $1 is the Special:PrefixIndex/<PAGENAME>/ link.",
        "A section text about syntax.",
        "A footer in {{Documentation}} for module sandbox subpage. For example: Module:<PAGENAME>/sandbox.",
        "A section text about translation.",
        "A section text about configuration.",
        "A syntax text. $1 is the example syntax text.",
        "$1 is the amount of parameters.",
        "A footer in {{Documentation}} for template sandbox subpage. For example: Template:<PAGENAME>/sandbox.",
        "A footer in {{Documentation}} for module's other subpages. For example: Special:PrefixIndex/Module:<PAGENAME>/. $1 is the Special:PrefixIndex/Module:<PAGENAME>/ link.",
        "The text appears when there's no documentation in its module for /doc. $1 points to the non-existent subpage. For example:<PAGENAME>/doc?action=edit&redlink=1.",
        "A section text about see also.",
        "A footer text about adding categories. $1 is the /doc and link text.",
        "A text after the sample output is done.",
        "A footer in {{Documentation}} for module sandbox and testcases subpage. $1 points to Module:<PAGENAME>/sandbox and $2 points to Module:<PAGENAME>/testcases.",
        "A header text documentation in Module: namespace.",
        "The text appears when there's no documentation in its page for /doc. $1 points to the non-existent subpage. For example:<PAGENAME>/doc?action=edit&redlink=1.",
        "A sample output text before result.",
        "Description about the template or module or or file or other things.",
        "It's a default heading if it's not in Template: or Module: namespaces.",
        "A configuration text about the module.",
        "The text appears when there's no documentation in its file for /doc. $1 points to the non-existent subpage. For example: talk:<PAGENAME>/doc?action=edit&redlink=1.",
        "A header text documentation in Template: namespace.",
        "A link text that is pointing to <PAGENAME>/sandbox.",
        "A section for dependencies. $1 is the amount of dependencies.",
        "A footer in {{Documentation}} for template's other subpages. For example: Special:PrefixIndex/Template:<PAGENAME>/. $1 is the Special:PrefixIndex/Template:<PAGENAME>/ link.",
        "A translation text where it's actually stored.",
        "A footer in {{Documentation}} for template sandbox and testcases subpage. $1 points to Template:<PAGENAME>/sandbox and $2 points to Template:<PAGENAME>/testcases.",
        "A text for example.",
        "It appears in documentation header. It might be visible or might not visible in templates.",
        "A label text in File: namespace for file summary.",
        "A text for usage.",
        "A section for example. $1 is the amount of examples.",
        "A link text that is linking to mirror.",
        "A sample output text when it's about to give the result. $1 is the template example.",
        "The text appears when there's no documentation in its template for /doc. $1 points to the non-existent subpage. For example:<PAGENAME>/doc?action=edit&redlink=1.",
        "A link text that is pointing to <PAGENAME>/testcases."
    ["be"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Ўстаноўка",
        ["translation"] = "Пераклад",
        ["description"] = "Апісанне",
        ["usage"] = "Выкарыстанне",
        ["sample_output"] = "Ужыванне",
        ["see_also"] = "Гл. таксама",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Нататка: часткова ці цалкам шаблон можа не адлюстроўвацца без пэўных значэнняў.",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Дакументацыя",
        ["translation-text"] = "Пераклады шаблонаў захоўваюцца па адрасе:",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> дае...",
        ["syntax"] = "Код",
        ["result"] = "Вынік",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Залежнасць|Залежнасці|Залежнасцяў}}",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Дакументацыя шаблону",
        ["configuration"] = "Канфігурацыя",
        ["example"] = "Прыклад",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значэнне|Значэнні|Значэнняў}}"
    ["bn"] = {
        ["installation"] = "স্থাপনা",
        ["description"] = "বর্ণনা",
        ["see_also"] = "আরও দেখুন",
        ["translation"] = "অনুবাদn",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "টেম্পলেট ডকুমেন্টেশন",
        ["example"] = "উদাহরণ",
        ["configuration"] = "কনফিগারেশন",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "সূচনা: ভ্যালু ছাড়া পুরা টেম্পলেট বা এর কিছু অংশ কাজ নাও করতে পারে।",
        ["syntax"] = "সিনটেক্স",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> দেয়ে...",
        ["sample_output"] = "আউটপুটের নমুনা",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|প্যারামিটার|টি প্যারামিটার}}",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|নির্ভরতা|টি নির্ভরতা}}",
        ["usage"] = "ব্যাবহার",
        ["result"] = "ফলাফল",
        ["translation-text"] = "টেম্পলেট অনুবাদ এখানে রাখা হয়:"
    ["de"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "Erstelle Sandkastenversion von $1",
        ["other-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Unterseiten von dieser Seite]].",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntax",
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "Bitte füge Kategorien zu der $1 Unterseite hinzu.",
        ["translation"] = "Übersetzung",
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = "Die Zusammenfassung für diese Datei fehlt. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Klicke hier zum erstellen]</span>.",
        ["syntax-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> eingeben",
        ["parameters"] = "Parameter",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Autoren können auf der Vorlagen $1 Seite experimentieren.",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Unterseiten von diesem Modul]].",
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = "Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul fehlt. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Klicke hier zum erstellen]</span>.",
        ["see_also"] = "Siehe auch",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Autoren können in den Modulseiten $1 und $2 experimentieren.",
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = "Die Dokumentation fehlt. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Klicke hier zum erstellen]</span>.",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"] = "Autoren können auf der Modul $1 Seite experimentieren.",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Moduldokumentation",
        ["result"] = "Ergebnis",
        ["sample_output"] = "Beispielausgabe",
        ["description"] = "Beschreibung",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Dokumentation",
        ["configuration-text"] = "Die [[Global Lua Modules/Config|überschreibbaren]] Vorlageneinstellungen werden hier hinterlegt:",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfiguration",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Vorlagendokumentation",
        ["sandbox-link-display"] = "Sandkasten",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Abhängigkeit|Abhängigkeiten}}",
        ["template-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Unterseiten von dieser Vorlage]].",
        ["translation-text"] = "Die Übersetzungen zu dieser Vorlage sind hier hinterlegt:",
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Autoren können in den Vorlagenseiten $1 und $2 experimentieren.",
        ["example"] = "Beispiel",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Bemerke: Teile der Vorlage oder auch die ganze Vorlage selbst werden eventuell nicht angezeigt, wenn keine Werte angegeben werden.",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Zusammenfassung",
        ["usage"] = "Verwendung",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Beispiel|Beispiele}}",
        ["mirror-link-display"] = "Spiegeln",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> ergibt...",
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = "Die Dokumentation für diese Vorlage fehlt. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Klicke hier zum erstellen]</span>.",
        ["testcases-link-display"] = "Testfälle"
    ["el"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Εγκατάσταση",
        ["usage"] = "Χρήση",
        ["example"] = "Παράδειγμα"
    ["es"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Instalación",
        ["description"] = "Descripción",
        ["see_also"] = "Ver también",
        ["translation"] = "Traducción",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentación de plantilla",
        ["example"] = "Ejemplo",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuración",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Nota: partes de o la plantilla entera puede no ser visible sin los valores proveidos.",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintaxis",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> resulta en...",
        ["sample_output"] = "Salida de ejemplo",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametro|Parametros}}",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependencia|Dependencias}}",
        ["usage"] = "Uso",
        ["result"] = "Resultado",
        ["translation-text"] = "Las traducciones de esta plantilla están guardadas en:"
    ["fr"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "Créer une version brouillon de $1",
        ["other-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Sous-pages de cette page]].",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntaxe",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Les contributeurs peuvent expérimenter dans les pages $1 et $2 de ce module.",
        ["translation"] = "Traduction",
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = "La description de ce fichier est manquante. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Cliquer ici pour la créer.]</span>.",
        ["configuration-text"] = "La configuration [[Global Lua Modules/Config|outrepassable]] du modèle est stockée dans :",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Paramètre|Paramètres}}",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Les contributeurs peuvent expérimenter dans la page $1 de ce modèle.",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Sous-pages de ce module]].",
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = "La documentation de ce module est manquante. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Cliquer ici pour la créer]</span>.",
        ["see_also"] = "Voir aussi",
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "Veuillez ajouter des catégories à la sous-page $1.",
        ["result"] = "Résultat",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"] = "Les contributeurs peuvent expérimenter dans la page $1 de ce module.",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Documentation de module",
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = "La documentation est manquante. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Cliquer ici pour la créer]</span>.",
        ["sample_output"] = "Exemple d'affichage",
        ["description"] = "Description",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Documentation",
        ["syntax-text"] = "Taper <span class='code'>$1</span>",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuration",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentation de modèle",
        ["sandbox-link-display"] = "brouillon",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dépendance|Dépendances}}",
        ["template-subpages-link"] = "Sous-pages de ce modèle",
        ["translation-text"] = "Les traductions du modèle sont stockées dans :",
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Les contributeurs peuvent expérimenter dans les pages $1 et $2 de ce modèle.",
        ["example"] = "Exemple",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Note : plusieurs parties du modèle ou le modèle complet peuvent/peut ne pas être visibles sans valeurs données.",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Résumé",
        ["usage"] = "Utilisation",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Exemple|Exemples}}",
        ["mirror-link-display"] = "miroir",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> donne...",
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = "La documentation de modèle est manquante. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Cliquer ici pour la créer]</span>.",
        ["testcases-link-display"] = "cas de test"
    ["hi"] = {
        ["installation"] = "स्थापना",
        ["description"] = "विस्तार",
        ["see_also"] = "और देखिए",
        ["translation"] = "अनुवाद",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "टेम्पलेट डॉक्यूमेंटेशन",
        ["example"] = "उदाहरण",
        ["configuration"] = "कॉन्फ़िगरेशन",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "नोट: बिना वैल्यू के टेम्पलेट के कुछ अंश या पूरा टेम्पलेट नहीं दिख सकता है।",
        ["syntax"] = "सिंटेक्स",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> देता है...",
        ["sample_output"] = "नमूना उत्पादन",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|पैरामीटर|पैरामीटर}}",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|निर्भरता|निर्भरताएँ}}",
        ["usage"] = "प्रयोग",
        ["result"] = "परिणाम",
        ["translation-text"] = "टेम्पलेट अनुवाद यहाँ भी रखे जाते हैं:"
    ["id"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Pemasangan",
        ["description"] = "Deskripsi",
        ["see_also"] = "Lihat juga",
        ["translation"] = "Terjemahan",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Dokumentasi templat",
        ["example"] = "Contoh",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfigurasi",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Catatan: bagian atau keseluruhan templat mungkin tidak dapat terlihat tanpa nilai yang diberikan.",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintak",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> menghasilkan...",
        ["sample_output"] = "Sampel Keluar",
        ["parameters"] = "Parameter",
        ["dependencies"] = "Dependensi",
        ["usage"] = "Penggunaan",
        ["result"] = "Hasil",
        ["translation-text"] = "Terjemahan template ini disimpan di:"
    ["ja"] = {
        ["installation"] = "導入方法",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意: 上記のテンプレートは部分的または完全に非表示になることがあります。",
        ["examples"] = "例",
        ["usage"] = "使い方",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> は以下のように出力されます……",
        ["sample_output"] = "出力例",
        ["example"] = "例",
        ["see_also"] = "関連情報",
        ["translation"] = "翻訳",
        ["description"] = "解説",
        ["translation-text"] = "このテンプレートの翻訳は以下のファイルで管理されています。",
        ["syntax"] = "構文",
        ["result"] = "出力結果",
        ["dependencies"] = "必要なファイル",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "テンプレート解説ページ",
        ["configuration"] = "環境設定",
        ["syntax-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> と入力してください。",
        ["parameters"] = "パラメータ"
    ["ko"] = {
        ["installation"] = "설치",
        ["translation"] = "번역",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "틀 설명문",
        ["usage"] = "사용법",
        ["parameters"] = "파라미터",
        ["see-also"] = "더 보기",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[$1|이 모듈의 하위 문서]].",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "참고: 특정 값이 주어지지 않는 경우, 틀 일부 또는 전체가 보이지 않을 수 있습니다.",
        ["translation-text"] = "이 틀의 번역판은 이곳에 저장됩니다:",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>의 결과는...",
        ["syntax"] = "문법",
        ["result"] = "결과",
        ["dependencies"] = "의존관계",
        ["sample_output"] = "출력 예시",
        ["configuration"] = "설정",
        ["example"] = "예시",
        ["description"] = "설명"
    ["pl"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Instalacja",
        ["description"] = "Opis",
        ["see_also"] = "Zobacz także",
        ["translation"] = "Tłumaczenie",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Dokumentacja szablonu",
        ["example"] = "Przykład",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfiguracja",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Uwaga: część lub cały szablon może być niewidoczny bez podanych parametrów.",
        ["syntax"] = "Składnia",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> daje…",
        ["sample_output"] = "Przykładowy wynik",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametr|Parametry}}",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Zależność|Zależności}}",
        ["usage"] = "Używanie",
        ["result"] = "Wynik",
        ["translation-text"] = "Tłumaczenia szablonu są przechowywane na:"
    ["pt"] = {
        ["usage"] = "Uso"
    ["pt-br"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Instalação",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "Criar versão de testes de $1",
        ["other-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Subpáginas desta página]].",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintaxe",
        ["description"] = "Descrição",
        ["translation"] = "Tradução",
        ["syntax-text"] = "Digite <span class='code'>$1</span>",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"] = "Editores podem experimentar na página de $1 deste módulo.",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parâmetro|Parâmetros}}",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Editores podem experimentar na página de $1 desta predefinição.",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Subpáginas deste módulo]].",
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = "Falta uma documentação para este módulo. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Clique aqui para criá-la]</span>.",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Editores podem experimentar nas páginas de $1 e de $2 deste módulo.",
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "Por favor, adicione as categorias à subpágina $1.",
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = "Falta uma documentação. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Clique aqui para criá-la]</span>.",
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = "Falta uma descrição para este arquivo. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Clique aqui para criá-la]</span>.",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Documentação do módulo",
        ["result"] = "Resultado",
        ["sample_output"] = "Exemplo de saída",
        ["see_also"] = "Veja também",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Documentação",
        ["configuration-text"] = "A configuração [[Global Lua Modules/Config|substituível]] da predefinição é armazenada em:",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuração",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentação da predefinição",
        ["sandbox-link-display"] = "testes",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependência|Dependências}}",
        ["template-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Subpáginas desta predefinição]].",
        ["translation-text"] = "As traduções da predefinição são armazenadas em:",
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Editores podem experimentar nas páginas de $1 e de $2 desta predefinição.",
        ["example"] = "Exemplo",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Nota: partes ou a predefinição inteira podem não ser visíveis sem os valores fornecidos.",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Descrição",
        ["usage"] = "Uso",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Exemplo|Exemplos}}",
        ["mirror-link-display"] = "menor",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> dá...",
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = "Falta uma documentação para esta predefinição. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Clique aqui para criá-la]</span>.",
        ["testcases-link-display"] = "exemplos para testes"
    ["ru"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Установка",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "Создать песочницу для $1",
        ["other-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Подстраницы этой статьи]].",
        ["syntax"] = "Код",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"] = "Участники могут экспериментировать на странице $1 этого модуля.",
        ["translation"] = "Перевод",
        ["configuration"] = "Настройка",
        ["syntax-text"] = "Тип <span class='code'>$1</span>",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значение|Значения|Значений}}",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Участники могут экспериментировать на странице $1 этого шаблона.",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Подстраницы этого модуля]].",
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = "Документация к этому модулю отсутствует. [$1 Нажмите, чтобы создать ее].",
        ["description"] = "Описание",
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "Пожалуйста, добавьте категории на подстраницу $1.",
        ["result"] = "Результат",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Участники могут экспериментировать на страницах $1 и $2 этого модуля.",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Документация модуля",
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = "Документация отсутствует. [$1 Нажмите, чтобы создать ее].",
        ["sample_output"] = "Применение",
        ["see_also"] = "См. также",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Документация",
        ["configuration-text"] = "[[Global Lua Modules/Config|Изменяемые]] настройки шаблона хранятся здесь:",
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = "Описание этого файла отсутствует. [$1 Нажмите, чтобы создать ее].",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Документация шаблона",
        ["sandbox-link-display"] = "песочница",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Зависимость|Зависимости|Зависимостей}}",
        ["template-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Подстраницы этого шаблона]].",
        ["translation-text"] = "Переводы шаблонов хранятся здесь:",
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Участники могут экспериментировать на страницах $1 и $2 этого шаблона.",
        ["example"] = "Пример",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Примечание: частично или целиком шаблон может не отображаться без определённых значений.",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Описание",
        ["usage"] = "Использование",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Пример|Примеры|Примеров}}",
        ["mirror-link-display"] = "зеркало",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> даёт...",
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = "Документация к этому шаблону отсутствует. [$1 Нажмите, чтобы создать ее].",
        ["testcases-link-display"] = "тесты"
    ["tl"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Pag-install",
        ["description"] = "Paglalarawan",
        ["translation"] = "Pagsasalin",
        ["configuration-text"] = "Ang [[Global Lua Modules/Config|overridable]] na pagsasaayos nito ay nakalagay sa:",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "Gumawa ng sandbox na version ng $1",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parameter|Mga Parameter}}",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Mga subpage ng module]].",
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = "Ang dokumentasyon para sa module ay hindi mahanap. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Pindutin ito para magawa]</span>. ",
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "I-lagay mo ang mga kategorya sa $1 na subpage",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Ang mga editor ay maka-eksperimento sa $1 ng template.",
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = "Ang buod para sa file na ito ay hindi mahanap. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Pindutin ito para magawa]</span>. ",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"] = "Ang mge editor ay pwedeng mag-eksperimento sa $1 na pahina ng module.",
        ["syntax"] = "",
        ["other-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Mga subage ng pahinang ito]].",
        ["see_also"] = "Tingnan din",
        ["result"] = "Resulta",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Ang mga editor ay maka-eksperimento sa $1 at $2 ng module.",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Dokumentasyon sa module",
        ["configuration"] = "Pagsasaayos",
        ["syntax-text"] = "I-type ang <span class=\"code\">$1</span>",
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = "Ang dokumentasyon ay hindi mahanap. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Pindutin ito para magawa]</span>. ",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Dokumentasyon",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Dokumentasyon sa template",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependency|Mga dependency}}",
        ["template-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Mga subpage ng template]].",
        ["translation-text"] = "Ang mga pagsasalin ay mahahanap sa:",
        ["sample_output"] = "Sample na output",
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Ang mga editor ay maka-eksperimento sa $1 at $2 ng template.",
        ["example"] = "Halimbawa ",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Tandaan: ang mga bahagi ng o ang buong template ay maaaring hindi makita kung walang binigay na values.",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Buod",
        ["usage"] = "Paggamit ",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Halimbawa|Mga halimbawa}}",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "Ang <span class='code'>$1</span> ay nagbibigay ng...",
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = "Ang dokumentasyon para sa template ay hindi mahanap. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Pindutin ito para magawa]</span>. "
    ["tr"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Kurulum",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "$1 sayfasının deneme tahta sürümünü oluşturun",
        ["other-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Bu sayfanın alt sayfaları]].",
        ["syntax"] = "Sözdizimi",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"] = "Düzenleyiciler bu modülün $1 sayfasında deney yapabilir.",
        ["translation"] = "Çeviri",
        ["configuration"] = "Yapılandırma",
        ["syntax-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> yazın",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametre|Parametreler}}",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Düzenleyiciler bu şablonun $1 sayfasında deney yapabilir.",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Bu modülün alt sayfaları]].",
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = "Bu modül için belgelendirme eksik. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Oluşturmak için burayı tıklayın]</span>.",
        ["see_also"] = "Ayrıca bakınız",
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "Lütfen $1 alt sayfasına kategoriler ekleyin.",
        ["result"] = "Sonuç",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Düzenleyiciler bu modülün $1 ve $2 sayfalarında deney yapabilir.",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Modül belgelendirmesi",
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = "Belgelendirme eksik. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Oluşturmak için burayı tıklayın]</span>.",
        ["sample_output"] = "Örnek çıkış",
        ["description"] = "Açıklama",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Belgelendirme",
        ["configuration-text"] = "[Global Lua Modules/Config|Geçersiz kılınabilir]] şablon yapılandırması şurada depolanır:",
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = "Bu dosyanın özeti eksik. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Oluşturmak için burayı tıklayın]</span>.",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Şablon belgelendirmesi",
        ["sandbox-link-display"] = "deneme tahtası",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Bağımlılık|Bağımlılıklar}}",
        ["template-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|Bu şablonun alt sayfası]].",
        ["translation-text"] = "Şablon çevirileri şurada depolanır:",
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Düzenleyiciler bu şablonun $1 ve $2 sayfalarında deneme yapabilir.",
        ["example"] = "Örnek",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Not: şablonun bir kısmı veya tamamı, sağlanan değerler olmadan görünmeyebilir.",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Özet",
        ["usage"] = "Kullanım",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Örnek|Örnekler}}",
        ["mirror-link-display"] = "ayna",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> şunu verir...",
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = "Bu şablon için belgelendirmesi eksik. <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 Oluşturmak için burayı tıklayın]</span>.",
        ["testcases-link-display"] = "test durumları"
    ["uk"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Встановлення",
        ["translation"] = "Переклад",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Приклад|Приклади}}",
        ["usage"] = "Використання",
        ["description"] = "Опис",
        ["sample_output"] = "Зразок",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значення|Значення|Значень}}",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Примітка: частково або весь шаблон може бути не видно без наданих значень.",
        ["translation-text"] = "Переклади шаблонів зберігаються за адресою:",
        ["see_also"] = "Див. також",
        ["syntax"] = "Розмітка",
        ["result"] = "Результат",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Залежність|Залежності|Залежностей}}",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Документація шаблону",
        ["configuration"] = "Налаштування",
        ["example"] = "Приклад",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> дає..."
    ["vi"] = {
        ["installation"] = "Cài đặt",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "cho bản mẫu phía trên, đôi khi ẩn hoặc không nhìn thấy được",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Ví dụ|Ví dụ}}\n",
        ["usage"] = "Cách dùng",
        ["description"] = "Mô tả",
        ["sample_output"] = "Đầu ra mẫu",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Tóm tắt",
        ["syntax-text"] = "Loại <span class='code'>$1</span>",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Tài liệu di động",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "Tạo phiên bản hộp cát của $1",
        ["see_also"] = "Xem thêm",
        ["translation"] = "Bản dịch",
        ["syntax"] = "Cú pháp",
        ["result"] = "Kết quả",
        ["sandbox-link-display"] = "hộp cát",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Bản mẫu tài liệu",
        ["configuration"] = "Cấu hình",
        ["example"] = "Ví dụ",
        ["testcases-link-display"] = "trường hợp kiểm thử"
    ["zh-hans"] = {
        ["installation"] = "安装",
        ["mirror-edit-summary"] = "创建$1版本的沙盒",
        ["other-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|该页面的子页面]]。",
        ["syntax"] = "语法",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "编辑者可以在该模块的$1和$2页面中测试。",
        ["translation"] = "翻译",
        ["configuration"] = "配置",
        ["syntax-text"] = "输入<span class='code'>$1</span>",
        ["parameters"] = "参数",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "编辑者可以在该模板的$1页面中测试。",
        ["module-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|该模块的子页面]]。",
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = "该模块的英语说明文档缺失。<span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 点击这里创建]</span>。",
        ["description"] = "说明",
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "请把分类添加至$1子页面。",
        ["result"] = "结果",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"] = "编辑者可以在该模块的$1页面中测试。",
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "模块说明文档",
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = "英语说明文档缺失。<span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 点击这里创建]</span>。",
        ["sample_output"] = "示例输出",
        ["see_also"] = "另见",
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "说明文档",
        ["configuration-text"] = "[[Global Lua Modules/Config|可覆盖的]]模板配置储存于:",
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = "该文件的英语摘要缺失。<span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 点击这里创建]</span>。",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "模板说明文档",
        ["sandbox-link-display"] = "沙盒",
        ["dependencies"] = "依赖",
        ["template-subpages-link"] = "[[$1|该模板的子页面]]。",
        ["translation-text"] = "模板翻译储存于:",
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "编辑者可以在该模板的$1和$2页面中测试。",
        ["example"] = "示例",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意:未提供值时,部分或整个模板可能不可见。",
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "摘要",
        ["usage"] = "使用",
        ["examples"] = "示例",
        ["mirror-link-display"] = "镜像",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>显示为",
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = "该模板的英语说明文档缺失。<span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 点击这里创建]</span>。",
        ["testcases-link-display"] = "测试用例"
    ["zh-hant"] = {
        ["installation"] = "安裝方法",
        ["description"] = "描述",
        ["see_also"] = "參見",
        ["translation"] = "翻譯",
        ["documentation-heading"] = "模板文件",
        ["example"] = "範例",
        ["configuration"] = "配置",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意:模板可能部分或整個部分不可見。",
        ["syntax"] = "語法",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>將給出:",
        ["sample_output"] = "範例展示",
        ["parameters"] = "參數",
        ["dependencies"] = "依賴",
        ["usage"] = "使用方式",
        ["result"] = "展示",
        ["translation-text"] = "模板翻譯儲存在:"