Module:Lua banner/config

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-- Configuration for [[Module:Lua banner]]
-- @file config
-- @alias cfg
-- @see [[Global Lua Modules/Lua banner]]
local cfg = {};

-- **Subpage blacklist:** these subpages will not be categorized (except for the
-- error category, which is always added if there is an error).
-- For example “Template:Foo/doc” matches the `doc = true` rule, so it will have
-- no categories. “Template:Foo” and “Template:Foo/documentation” match no rules,
-- so they *will* have categories.
-- All rules should be in the `["<subpage name>"] = true,` format.
-- @property {table} cfg["subpage_blacklist"]
-- @field[opt] {boolean} ...
cfg["subpage_blacklist"] = {
	["doc"] = true,
	["sandbox"] = true,
	["sandbox2"] = true,
	["testcases"] = true,

-- **Default category:** this category is added if the module call contains errors
-- (e.g. no module listed).
-- A category name without namespace, or `nil` to disable categorization (not recommended).
-- @property {string|nil} cfg["error_category"]
cfg["error_category"] = "Lua templates with errors";

-- **Default category:** this category is added if none of the below `module_categories`
-- matches the first module listed.
-- A category name without namespace, or `nil` to disable categorization.
-- @property {string|nil} cfg["default_category"]
cfg["default_category"] = "Lua-based templates";

-- **Module categories:** one of these categories is added if the first listed module
-- is the listed module (e.g. {{T|Lua|"Module:String"}} adds
-- Category:Lua String-based templates.)
-- Format: `["<module name>"] = "<category name>"`,
-- where neither `<module name>` nor `<category name>` contains the namespace.
-- An empty table (i.e. no module-based categorization) will suffice on smaller wikis.
-- @property {table} cfg["module_categories"]
-- @field[opt] {string} ...
cfg["module_categories"] = {

-- **Allow wishes:** whether wishes for conversion to Lua are allowed
-- for non-`"Scribunto"` content models.
-- If `true`, calls with zero parameters are valid, and considered to be wishes:
-- The box’s text is “This template should use Lua”, and `cfg['wish_category']`
-- is added.
-- If `false` or the content model is `"Scribunto"`, such calls are invalid,
-- an error message appears, and `cfg['error_category']` is added.
-- @property {boolean} cfg["allow_wishes"]
cfg["allow_wishes"] = false;

-- **Wish category:** this category is added if no module is listed, wishes are allowed,
-- and the current content model is not `"Scribunto"`. (Not used if wishes are not allowed.)
-- A category name without namespace, or `nil` to disable categorization.
-- @property {string|nil} cfg["wish_category"]
cfg["wish_category"] = nil;

return cfg;